Since animals have genetic sequences, they also have ordered chromosomes (chromosome pairs which depend on each species), so they can incur chromosomal problems similar to that of down syndrome. For example, people have 23 sets of chromosomes while dogs have 39. Pin On Cute Animals But a duplication of all or part of chromosome 21 would have different effects in the two species. Animals with down syndrome dog . According to some veterinary experts, down syndrome is also present in dogs. Scroll down and meet some animals who have down syndrome. Down syndrome happens when there is a full or partial copy of chromosome 21. Otto suffers from a common malformation in animals with down syndrome; A lot of people also wonder that tigers, dogs, apes and other animal kinds could have a set of genetic deformities which are the same as with down syndrome. These incredible creatures are nothing but kind, gentle and always selfless. 10 animals with misleading names [funny!] 10 a...